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ART Resume, 2016-Present
- Lotería synáptica, YWCA Racial Equity Summit Exhibit (October 2019)
- WORT 89.9 FM Talk about Art Beyond Borders by Colectivo Synapsis-Access Hour (July 9, 2019)
- YWCA commission of Colectivo Synapsis for design of 21 lotería game cards (June 2019)
- Badger Rock Elementary Madison Metropolitan School District, Community Mural (May 2019)
- Gaia Gathering, Madison Threshold Exhibit for MMOCA Gallery night and community mural making workshop (May 1-5, 2019)
- Immigration X Overture Center for the Arts Madison, Wisconsin (September-October 2018)
- ¿Quiénes somos? Two artist show in the Rotunda Gallery. Overture Center
for the Arts Madison, Wisconsin (September-October 2017)
- Latino Art Fair People's Choice Award, Latino Chamber of Commerce (2017)
- Latino Art Fair. Latino Chamber of Commerce of Dane County, Overture
Center for the Arts, Centro Hispano and the Latino Professionals
Association (2017)
- “100 days” Gallery 1308. Union South, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Visual Explorations of the Transisthmus Artwrite Gallery Madison, Wi
- Solidarios por la paz, United Nations (2017)
- Asalto a la belleza, Estudio Galería Reloj San Salvador, El Salvador (2017)
- Magna Exposición de Artes Visuales, ArtES Colectivo San Salvador, El
Salvador (2017)
- "Home: An Anthology of Poetry and Writing" Commissioned Cover for collection of stroies in collaboration with Madison
TinyHouse Movement (2016)
- Salón de Pintura Contemporánea, Department of Culture El Salvador (2016)
- Bajo Presión Exposition, School of Visual Arts San Salvador (2016)
- Awarded third place in national competition "Salón de Pintura Contemporánea" Department of Culture El Salvador (2016)